Title Searchers and Examiners


Employment Prospects


Approximately 63,600 title searchers, examiners, and abstractors are employed in the United States. Title searchers and examiners work in a variety of settings. Some work for law firms, title insurance companies, financial institutions, or companies that write title abstracts. Others work for various branches of government at the city, county, or state level. Title insurance companies, while frequently headquartered in large cities, may have branches throughout the United States.

Starting Out

Title searchers or examiners may get their start by sending resumes and letters of application to local firms that employ these types of workers. Other leads for employment opportunities are local real estate agents or brokers, government employment offices, and local or state land title associations. Graduates from two- and four-year colleges usually have the added advantage of being able to consult their college career services offices for additional information on job openings.

Advancement Prospects

Title searchers and examiners learn most of their skills on the job. They may gain a basic understanding of the title search process in a few months, using public records and indexes maintained by their employers. Over time, employees must gain a broader understanding of the intricacies of land title evidence and record-keeping systems. This knowledge and several years of experience are the keys to advancement.

With experience, title searchers can move up to become tax examiners, special assessment searchers, or abstracters. With enough experience, a searcher or examiner may be promoted to title supervisor or head clerk. Other paths for ambitious title searchers and examiners include other types of paralegal work or, with further study, a law degree.

Tips for Entry

Apply for an entry-level position at a real estate company that does title and examination work. Tell your manager that you are interested in becoming a title searcher or examiner.

Visit https://www.alta.org/about/state-land-title-associations.cfm for a list of land title associations in your state.

Join the American Land Title Association to access training and networking opportunities, industry publications, and employment opportunities.