Meter Readers, Utilities


Employment Prospects


Approximately 34,200 meter readers are employed in the United States. A large percentage work for municipal utility companies, while many others are employed by large utility companies. Because metropolitan areas are more densely populated and have more homes and businesses, they require a larger meter reader workforce, but job opportunities exist in towns of all sizes.

Starting Out

High school graduates should inquire directly with their local utility company. You can also search for utility companies on the Internet and in the phone book.

Advancement Prospects

Advancement for meter readers usually depends on job performance, experience, and education. Advancement opportunities also vary depending on the place of employment. Many utility companies encourage their employees to take additional courses at local technical schools to further their careers. They may advance to positions such as chief meter readers, meter reader supervisors, or water service inspectors. They may also move into positions such as field collectors, field service representatives, or field investigators. While they do some meter reading, these workers are mainly responsible for starting and stopping service, collecting on accounts, and following up on customer complaints.

Experienced meter readers may also branch off into related work and become part of the repair crew. Office positions are also available in administration and billing.

Tips for Entry

If possible, find or ask for the location of the meters in your home or residence. Check the meters with information from the corresponding bill to gain an understanding of usage and cost.

Conduct information interviews with meter readers and ask them for advice on preparing for and entering the field.

Research large power companies in different areas of the country; some regions may offer more opportunities for meter readers than others.