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EisnerAmper Audit Internship, Tax Internship

111 Wood Ave South
Iselin, NJ, 08830
(732) 243-7000



The company’s diversity of clients and dedication to long-term solutions make it a great place for students interested in the industry to join the team and see what it’s like to work at a leading financial consulting firm. Interns praised “work-life balance was definitely valued during our internship” with “Fridays off” and “time away from work to do charity events.”

Internship Program Stats


How To Apply

Please submit all resumes to Edward.Burke@eisneramper.com or visit the company career website - http://eisneramper.silkroad.com/


Number Of Interns

21 to 50


Featured Rankings

Best Accounting Internships






Academic Credit


Academic Level

College Juniors

About the Program

EisnerAmper has a plethora of opportunities for student hires. There are internship programs available in both the winter months and summer months, with both sessions lasting eight weeks. Interns work 32 hours a week in a hybrid setting, Monday through Thursday. Competitive applicants have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and should be current juniors or seniors in their undergraduate studies.

The company’s diversity of clients and dedication to long-term solutions make it a great place for stude...

About the Company

New York City-based EisnerAmper LLP has approximately 1,700 employees who work out of offices in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and the Cayman Islands (where the firm operates an affiliate location to work with offshore investors). The firm is the product of the August 2010 merger of Eisner LLP and Amper, Politziner & Mattia LLP, which created the 15th-largest accountant in the country by revenue. Today, EisnerAmper is an independent member of PFK International Limited, one of the 10...

Intern Reviews

  • “The quality of life at my internship was good.  I worked 8:30-5:30 with an hour for lunch.  Interns also got Fridays off which made the quality of life and summer even better. Overall, the firm culture and environment were enjoyable and welcoming.  It was always enjoyable being in person and interacting with everyone in the office.  Throughout the internship, it was made clear to us that the company really values a work/life balance and works hard to maintain it.”
  • “Work-life balance was definitely valued during our internship. We would frequently spend time getting coffee with other employees and also took time away from work to do charity events.”
  • “The culture was amazing, everyone was friendly and wanted to help me grow as a person and as [a part] of the EA team. I worked around 32 hours per week, which was a great balance as an intern. My attitude towards work itself and my classes at my university has changed for the better!”
  • “32 hours a week required. We got Friday's off. Firm culture is wonderful- everyone is friendly, takes us out to lunch, and answers questions whenever we have them. Interns aren't forced to stay... If you're out of work, then you can leave an hour early. They are flexible and understanding. Quality of life was very good.”

Getting Hired Here

  • “The application itself was not too long or complicated.  I heard back from the company rather quickly and was promptly assigned two interviews with members of the team I would be working with.  You were able to have conversations with the interviewers to highlight specific areas of your expertise or knowledge.  I heard back quickly after the interview.  Overall, I was satisfied with the communication throughout the interview process.”
  • “From day one ... my campus recruiter was warm, kind, and professional. He guided me through the internship process with ease.”
  • “Very organized, standard interview process, and interviewers were super nice.”
  • “I know a lot of firms that have multiple rounds of interviews- I was very happy with my two meetings (one of them being a 2-part interview). Interview difficulty was not too terrible- the interviewers were friendly, provided a lot of information about the firm, and asked me some questions about myself. The internship program itself is very well structured and run. I enjoyed all the activities and meetings they'd planned for us.”