



Zeb is one of Europe's leading providers of management consulting for financial services providers offering services in a number of fields, including Strategy & Organization, Finance & Risk and IT. Based on profound knowledge of the financial services industry, zeb’s management consultants help clients develop long-lasting business solution aimed at ensuring the client’s competitive advantage. This does not stop at consulting only; zeb boasts a strong IT consulting practice also offering proprietary management softw...

Company Stats


Employer Type




501-1,000 Employees


Featured Rankings

Best Consulting Firms in EMEA for Financial Consulting


Major Departments/Practice Areas

Strategy & Organization


Major Office Locations

15 offices in 13 countries


Employment Contact

Sarah Schild - Senior Human Resources Expert

Vault Verdict

How you feel about zeb is likely a function of how you feel about the following statement: it is a firm best known for its financial services work in Germany, Austria and the surrounding Central European nations. If that sounds like your desired area of focus—both geographically and from a career perspective, then there is likely no better firm out there for your needs. zeb's client reputation is excellent, which ensures a steady flow of work, and provides plenty of incentive for its existing cast of strong performers to stay around. All of which adds up to a firm that can provide newer consultants with a strong platform on which to learn and build their careers. 

About the Company

The international operating management consultancy zeb was founded in 1992. With offices in 15 different locations, zeb is one of Europe's leading providers of management consulting for financial services providers. With more than 950 employees, the company offers services in a number of fields, including Strategy & Organization, Finance & Risk and IT.

The company's motto is "From thought to action." In keeping with this, zeb's consultants not only develop strategies for clients-they see them all the way through to implementation too. That client list, meanwhile, includes banks, savings banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions.

The firm has grown steadily in recent years, successfully completing challenging projects all over Europe, and continues to strength...

Employee Reviews

  • "Cool company but you also have to be tough to stay here."
  • "Deep knowledge of the financial services industry, regarding all aspects of the business; from thought to action."
  • "Great management consultancy to work for when being in DACH Region and being interested in Financial Services."
  • "If you want to be successful in financial services this is the best place to accelerate your career."
  • "If you want to go for management consultancy, but do not want to be only a small part in a huge consulting world, then zeb is your choice. It feels much more like a start-up (especially in offices outside of Germany). You have freedom of actions, you are made responsible from the first day—and this is a good thing."
  • "Outstanding firm culture and interesting international growth opportunities."

Getting Hired Here

  • "Callback process: The three interviewers discuss their views, fill in some forms and rank the candidate. If the candidate reaches a certain threshold of points, he/she gets an offer (min. of 2x "yes" and one neutral vote). The next day the Partner who did the last interview calls the candidate."
  • "Ideal candidate: Young, analytical, good fit to our culture (not arrogant or 'over-competitive'), strategic and entrepreneurial mindset."
  • "HR did an outstanding job planning, calling back and, eventually, onboarding. Effective and smooth."

Perks & Benefits

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