
5 Tips for Being a Model Employee

Published: Apr 27, 2011

 Workplace Issues       

Getting the job and keeping it are two different things. Don’t let your persistence during the job search be all for naught. Here are several ways to make the most of your new job:

1. Just Enough Is Not Enough: Never settle for doing only what you have to do to survive. You will get ahead faster if you go beyond what your job description entails. Make sure your supervisors know you are willing to take on new responsibilities and be on the lookout for opportunities that may arise on any given work day. Seize the moment – there's no better way to stand out from the crowd.

2. Nobody’s Perfect: Rather than be noticed for all the wrong reasons, admit your faults. Ask for help. Show your desire to do the job right and make sure you pay extra attention to all instruction, so you never have to ask again. Supervisors will appreciate how quickly you pick up the tasks. This will only benefit you in the long run.

3. Don’t Goof Off: You’re not outsmarting anyone when you quickly minimize your screen to hide your latest Farmville achievements as a supervisor walks by. If you have too much free time, see if your boss needs any additional help on projects. And if you are going to go online, take proactive steps and either read articles or information on your company, its competitors and your industry or research topics pertaining to your particular career path. Now you can proudly display how important your career is and just how much of an interest you have in better serving your company.

4. Beware of Bad Influences: You can be judged by the company you keep; the loud guy who seems funny and enjoys sports, movies and many of your other interests might not be the best person to become friends with in the office, especially if he is not looked upon favorably by the powers that be. Instead, socialize with can-do people who share your interests, but also have a lot of respect in the office. It will only benefit you in the long-run.

5. Worry About Your Own Job: No one likes the guy who finds faults in everyone else's work—especially if he's doing it to deflect attention from his own mistakes. Rather than questioning the performance of others--which might end up with you shining a spotlight on your own shortcomings—just focus on improving your own performance. Unless you've got something nice to say: chances are if you compliment the good work of others, they will do the same for you.
