
Yes, Elie, I would think so

Published: Jan 30, 2009


Coming soonto associate inboxes everywhere—is the 2009 version of the Vault Associate Survey. The ATL EIC asks, “Shouldn't this year's Vault rankings look substantially different than last year's results?” in reference to this post over at the quite funny, Onion-flavored Litnation.  This year we’ve revised the survey in response to the, um, current unpleasantness, with new questions on business outlook, student loan burden, and cost cutting. 

But whether and/or how the rankings are different from* last year’s, is completely out of Vault’s hands.  Seriously. The rankings (overall prestige, departmental, regional, diversity, quality of life) are a pure function of associate votes.  No Vault editorial input or judgment affects the rankings.  None, nada, zero.  Let the people be heard!

                                           -posted by brian

*see what I did there? Like an extra-mild version of the ATL commentariat/grammar police
