
Kiss Your Legal Job Goodbye: Maintain Connections

Published: Feb 11, 2011


Your school and grades may have helped you get through the door of your law firm, but your connections and experience are critical as you continue to develop your career. So when you exit the firm, you shouldn’t just bring your drooping plant and picture frames—you also should take the relationships that you’ve developed with the partners and associates at the firm. Follow these tips to make sure that you maintain your law-firm connections.

1.Get personal: Think hard about your VIP list, and make sure that you personally say goodbye to each VIP. Be sure to let your mentors know the impact they’ve had on your career—it’s nice to thank people, and they may be more inclined to stay in touch if they know you value their guidance.

2. Speak Up: Give colleagues your contact information, and invite them to get in touch with you once you leave.

3. Link with your Departure Memo Include your contact information in your departure memo so that people can easily contact you once you are gone.

4. Party Don’t leave your firm with a waive and a smile—have a little fun with your colleagues on your last day of work. Gathering outside of the office is a great way to get to know people better and build stronger relationships.

5. Reach Out: Don’t leave your firm behind—look back and make contact. Check in with your firm contacts via telephone or email periodically. Set up coffee meetings, lunches, dinners or drinks with former colleagues, and catch up.

6. Stay Up-to-date Continue to follow firm news and accomplishments, and connect with your colleagues to congratulate them or engage in dialogue over the news.

7. Get Listed Keep your contact information with the Personnel office current so that they can notify you of firm events and news and so that individuals at the firm can find out what you’ve been up to and how to find you.

8. Get Out Don’t be a stranger. Attend firm events when you’re invited to maintain your contacts and to meet new ones.

Read More:
Pucker Up and Kiss Your Legal Job Goodbye: How to Quit
Kiss Your Legal Job Goodbye: VIP List
Kiss Your Legal Job Goodbye: Relax
Kiss Your Legal Job Goodbye: Be Responsible

