
Stump the Intern!

Published: Sep 08, 2009

Q: I’m a recent grad applying for jobs and I think my cover letter needs some help. I’m using a model I found online, but the format seems too formal and not appropriate for a casual medium like e-mail. Do you have any suggestions?


A: Cyber-applicant, check out Vault’s article “E-mailing Cover Letters." Like you, I was putting formal cover letters in emails, even though my inclination was to dash off a few genuine but brief lines. However, it seems like we’re both on the right path. Madeline Miller, manager of Compu-Type Nationwide Resume Service who was interviewed for the article said, “It's going over the Internet, but it's the same product. The cover is very important and it should be the same quality if you were to mail it." Stay the course, and good luck!

Looking for someone to weigh in on your questions, comments, or gripes? Take your turn at stumping the intern. Email sfriedman@vault.com.

--Posted by Sophie Friedman, Vault Web Content Intern
