
National geographic

Published: Apr 17, 2009

Congratulations, citizens of (mostly) random U.S. cities -- your homebase has been chosen as one of the Best Places to Find a Job!

As per PayScale.com (and as reported on Money.com), the following towns -- all with unemployment levels well below the national average, and with firmly-rooted key industries -- stole the top spots. And only two of them have populations that crack 600,000.

1. Boulder, Colorado
2. Madison, Wisconsin
3. D.C.
4. Salt Lake City
5. Lafayette, Louisiana
6. Huntsville, Alabama

The biggest common denominator is education; four of the six are somehow focal points for that community. Both Boulder and Madison boast a significant biotech presence, and defense is a part of the local fabric in D.C. (naturally) and Huntsville. But there's no overlap in the rest of the sectors that are propping up those places: For instance, it's oil and gas in Lafayette, but tourism and transportation provide the assist in Salt Lake. (PayScale.com lists three top industry segments for each location.)

If you live in or near one of the lucky towns -- get cracking! And if you're not, one of 'ems probably within an easy 1,000 mile drive or so. (And by all means stay away from Michigan and Oregon, which have the highest unemployment rates in the country: 12.6% and 12.1%, respectively.)

--Posted by Todd Obolsky, Vault News & Commentary>
