
Feelin' groovy! (Far out!)

Published: Oct 15, 2009

This totally made our (sunshine) day. On the uplifting site Miss Pink Slip (no relation), the eponymous blogger lays out the 10 Ways 'The Brady Bunch' Can Help Make Your Layoff Groovy (or "Bradylicious"), in honor of the anniversary of the family's TV debut 40 years ago. Thus, items like:

#5. Make yourself a local celebrity by finding a record to break, something cool like a teeter-totter.
#7. Take a trip to the Grand Canyon.
#9. Become a pool shark.

Our favorite is definitely #1 (you'll have to link to it yourself), but we could probably offer up a host of other Brady-related suggestions for making your unexpected downtime more enjoyable:

Reinvent yourself as an advice columnist for a newspaper. (Oh wait, dailies don't exist anymore!)
Use your Greenstamps to get an item you really need. (Oh wait, those don't exist anymore!)
Play ball in the house. (Oh wait, don't!)

--Posted by Todd Obolsky, Vault Staff Writer
