
Did you hear the one about...

Published: Mar 04, 2009

Yesterday, one of those "joke" emails found its way to me (thanks, JH!) that I read and was ready to dismiss?.but something hit me. It did, after all, have some kernel of sense to it, even if the figures were likely incorrect.

We all know how hard Congress is working to save the economic world and push through a stimulus plan, blah, blah, blah. But are they sharing in our pain? Think of it -- none of them have been laid off, or weathered monetary reductions or furloughs. (They still get paid when Congress is closed for the season, right?) The joke advised cutting the number of House and Senate numbers in half, and slashing remaining staff by 25%. (Granted, the kicker final line concerned the $7 billion in pork barrel spending reserves that would disappear along with the representatives that would have proposed them, but still?) The "calculated" savings would amount to nearly $575 million, an amount that might be better spent by saving a failing industry (Buy some newspapers! Buy some cars!). Alright, maybe not that funny, but it was at least a welcome diversion.

Heard any humorous recession-related tales/bon mots/riddles? Let us know!

--Posted by Todd Obolsky, Vault News & Commentary
