
Changing Careers From Finance to Non-Profit.

Published: Dec 21, 2009

If you’re contemplating a career move from finance to non profit you have chosen a perfect complement to one another on the giant chess board of work. What interesting bedfellows the world of finance and do-good cause endeavors are! No doubt the finance arenas are “gotta-get” while non profit charitable circle are give.

They seem to be two different worlds. Can East meet West? Will the lion lay with the lamb? Can you serve two masters?

You bet you can. In fact, you can probably do it exceptionally well. Think about it. On the surface the two worlds seem so different as if they would collide. But look closer and you’ll see that non profit has business elements and deadlines. Non profit needs grants as much as Wall Street needs its stock market. And sometimes the pressures are the same, despite the different tactics to achieve their goals.Read More on Changing Career Paths

-By The Job Goddess Who Won’t Rest Till Everyone Is Put To Work! The 405 Club

A Trip Through The Junk Mail of an Unemployed Man.
