
Can Political Upheaval Protect You From Recession?

Published: Aug 11, 2009

A couple of months ago, while working on a story about what the recession is called in other countries, I reached out to a Lebanese friend who working in Washington, D.C. Her response: There wasn’t a recession in Lebanon. Hmm, I thought. Something to look into.

Dr. Doom is ahead of me, as always. (Not to mentioned overhyped, but stay with me.) Nouriel Roubini has done a survey of countries that have been gliding through the downturn for Forbes.com. “All economies have been affected by the crisis, but a combination of policy responses and strong fundamentals has given some countries, especially some emerging market economies, a relative edge,” he says. [Read More...]

--Posted by Sara Clemence, RecessionWire.com

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