
Tips For Surviving Today's Job Market

Published: Mar 10, 2009

 Job Search       
The Stanford Business Alumni Association conducted a series of career workshops in the spring of 2002. Here is some of their collected wisdom on job search survival tips.

See yourself as a company and your skills as assets. Acquire new and valuable skills like a company would seek to diversify through acquisitions.

You are not your job title. Separate your life from your work. Concentrate on the industry experience and skills you have acquired.

Stay in touch with your friends. Unemployment can be isolating, but don't let it get to you. Start your own personal support group and don't be shy about making your needs and interests known. If your friends know your career goals, they can help you.

The most frustrating thing about the job search is not rejection, but the lack of response to your inquiries. Do your best to connect to individuals at target companies at workshops, conferences, trade shows and other professional events.

If you know exactly who you want to talk to, just call or e-mail them! If you are honest and upfront, most people will get back to you (as long as you're polite and nice about it.)

Always return calls from recruiters and offer to help them, even if they have no jobs for you. Recruiters keep superior records and know who's been helpful and who's been rude.

Make sure you have three references briefed and ready in the event you are asked to supply references. Your references will most likely be checked.

When you make a connection with someone, maintain it. You never know when that contact will be of use to you again.

Asking for advice on any topic, even something as small as a restaurant recommendation, makes the askee feel like an authority. They will like you better.

Make your resume user-friendly. Put yourself in the position of the reader. What would you want to know about yourself? What questions does your resume raise?

Show passion and energy in your interviews.

Thank-you notes are mandatory. Don't forget the contact who got you the interview.
