
Work For Whitney, Or BofA

Published: Feb 23, 2009

Last week star analyst Meredith Whitney left Oppenheimer & Co. to start her own firm and today the web site of Meredith Whitney Advisory Group LLC is up and running. If you're interested in working for the high-profile oft-quoted oft-mocked Whitney, you can send a cover letter and resume to bobbi@meredithwhitneyllc.com.

Also supposedly hiring is Bank of America. Unbelievable, yes, but word is there could be up to 1,000 positions open at BofA in a new home loan unit.

Speaking of BofA, thanks to former employee for 45 seconds/former Merrill Lynch chief John Thain, the bank you better not whisper the word nationalization around was in the news again today, for all the wrong reasons, as Thain supposedly was not telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help him last week when New York Attorney General Andy Cuomo questioned him about the big bonuses paid out to Merrill execs at the end of last year. Part of the transcript from that Q&A session is available here.
