
Profiling a Green Job: Verizon's Sustainability Manager

Published: Jun 28, 2010


Verizon's Sustainability Manager Amy Thompson talks about her role (a newly created position) as well as how she became interested in sustainability in an in-depth interview, courtesy, GreenJobSpider.com—a green job search engine. Her advice, both practical and relevant, is spot on, especially for those starting new jobs in sustainability or looking to introduce sustainability in their company.


"Put your passion in the practice. If you can, get involved immediately. For example, I volunteer building, planting and harvesting of community vegetable gardens. I suggest that each person find an area that interests them and become a part of that solution because they never know where it might lead. I have also found that many communities offer free green events where they can network with like-minded individuals and companies. Take part and be prepared to perceive the opportunities coming their way. Lastly, don't be afraid to push the envelope. Package up your ideas and share them. You might just get what you ask for like I did."

For the complete interview, also available as a podcast, visit GreenJobSpider. Also see a comprehensive description of the role of a Sustainability Manager.
