
In the Name of Sustainability, Coca-Cola Goes Square

Published: Mar 30, 2010


Ever heard of one design revolutionizing an entire industry? Take a look below at what design student Andrew Kim came up! Maybe Coca-Cola will take the hint, especially since they have recently ramped up their efforts to become "greener" after PepsiCo's Refresh project made big news with its sustainability bent and focus on community engagement.

For those who don't remember, Coca-Cola's CEO Muhtar Kent, not too long ago, went as far as calling himself the company's Chief Sustainability Officer, adding, "I have not appointed another one and never will. That's me!". However, he forgot to take into account that he lacks the required skill set and knowledge of sustainability to make this claim credible. So, for a company who has been vocally aggressive in the recent days about putting sustainability on top of their agenda, as Fast Company points out, this should come as welcoming news! Take a look, courtesy Fast Company, and have your say!

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