
Vault's IT Consulting Practice Area Rankings are here!

Published: Oct 22, 2010


Last week, we released our annual prestige rankings, where we ask consultants to rank firms other than their own in terms of industry prestige. As an offshoot of the prestige ranking, we also asked consultants to rank the best firms in several areas of business focus: operations and implementation, outsourcing, and public sector consulting. Consultants were allowed to vote for up to three firms as the best in each area—other than their own, of course. And, as with our prestige ranking, Vault does not choose or influence the practice area rankings. The rankings measure perceived prestige (as determined by consulting professionals) and not revenue, size or lifestyle.

Click here to explore our practice area rankings in their entirety.

While perception is undoubtedly important, most job seekers want to learn more about company culture and lifestyle before settling on one firm. To answer all of your questions about which firms offer the best workplace culture, compensation, formal training and diversity, among many other workplace issues, check back next Tuesday for Vault's IT Consulting Quality of Life Rankings. And who knows? You may just find your next employer!
