
Free Stuff: The 3 Questions New Consultants Need Answered

Published: May 10, 2011


By Kristine Schoonmaker, MyConsultingLife.Com

When you're trying to break into consulting, there's a lot of prep that goes into getting past the interview alone. But it's once you land the job that the real fun begins!

Have you ever considered the things you need to do—right now—to start building valuable experience, perform well on your projects, and maintain sanity in your schedule and personal life? Better yet, how can you set yourself up to get known in your practice and really differentiate yourself as an up-and-coming star?

Starting a career in consulting can be overwhelming. It certainly was for me. But as I looked back on my experience, I realized if someone had given me the answers to just a couple of questions—up front—I could have avoided a TON of that stress.

Unfortunately, everyone is too busy to stop what they're doing to give you those answers. That's why I hosted a FREE one-time telephone seminar this week.

"3 Questions You Need Answered to Guarantee Your Success the First Year in Consulting"
…And the answers that will lead you to less stress, better performance, and more free time

Listen to a free recording of the seminar here.

Highlights include:

•The biggest challenge nearly every new consultant faces and what you need to know to avoid it
•The 4 most important aspects of every new consultant's role, regardless of practice area, and the skills you'll need to succeed
•2 secrets to creating value at any level, and how to do it from Day 1
•How to manage a hectic lifestyle of work and travel so you still have plenty of time for friends, family, interests, and even down time (what a novel idea!)
