
How to Find a Summer Internship

Published: Mar 09, 2011

 Education       Grad School       

By Deborah Federico

A student came into my office recently, bearing a worried expression. A friend had told him there weren’t any more summer internships available, he lamented to me. “What! That’s definitely not true,” I exclaimed, and  quickly reassured him that there were still plenty of internships available for the summer. Then I told him to stop listening to his friend—at least when it comes to career advice. 

As an undergraduate career counselor in the School of Management at Boston University, a large portion of my job revolves around dispelling myths such as this one. So, whenever your friends give you advice about the job market or your career, make sure to get the facts from your school’s career services office.

I can almost guarantee that you’ll find some kind of internship for the summer by using the strategies outlined below. You might even find yourself in the enviable position of having to choose between multiple internship offers. READ MORE
